50/20 Vision and Life’s Purpose

Shopping Trips can become Mission Trips

Houston, TX (ANS) –  A friend of mine use to talk about the need for having 50/20 Vision.  It’s based on Genesis 50:20 when Joseph said to his brothers, after being abused by them, “You planned evil against me, but God meant it for good.”  There are many examples throughout Scripture where God intervenes in human experience to bring good out of bad situations.

One of my mentors years ago use to emphasize that every negative has a positive.  Furthermore, the more negative the negative, the more positive the positive.  So, when life’s circumstances get really bad, we can look to the Lord and expect that He will intervene and bring good from it.  In our work with Living Water International, we often observe how God shows up in the most difficult times and the darkest places.

An Accidental Witness

An Auto Repair Shop can Provide Witness and Ministry Opportunities

A lady ran into the back of my car on the freeway one time.  While waiting for the police to arrive to do an accident report, I engaged her in conversation, shared the Gospel and had prayer with her.  She was very open to the Lord received Christ.  As a result of that encounter, she immediately shared her experience with a security guard in the parking lot.  A little later in the day, she shared her testimony with two police officers while processing the accident report. It was a great example of how the Lord can use negative experiences and turn them into positive results.

It’s important to remember that when things really get bad, we can look to the Lord and trust that He will show Himself strong on our behalf.  History is filled with examples of how God has used those crisis times and difficult experiences for His divine purposes.

Fatherly Advice

Divine Appointments can Happen, Almost Anytime, Almost Any Place

I joined the Air Force right after High School.  As I was leaving home for basic training, my Dad told me, “Remember that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord.”  He shared that his Dad told him the same thing when he was leaving for the Army during World War II.  I later encountered some difficulties and began to wonder, “Where is that verse in the Bible.”  (I was not so knowledgeable of the Bible at the time).  Of course, I discovered it was Romans 8:28.  Over the years the Lord has brought that verse to my mind many times.

More than 40 years ago, I heard a Bible teacher on the radio (I can actually remember the city I was driving in at the time).  He was talking about the purpose of difficulties, suffering and problems in our lives.  He talked about how God uses those experiences to; 1.  Focus our Faith, 2.  Fashion our Character, and 3.  Fit us for Service.  It is remarkable how a phrase, a statement or quote, or a story can stick in our minds and change our lives.  It illustrates the power of a word or message, and how we should be aware and intentional about what we say and how it can impact people’s lives.

Observation is Often the First Step to Connecting for Spiritual Conversations

Perspective Matters

It is liberating to realize that God is working all things after the council of His own will.  All of our negative and positive experiences can be used by the Lord for His purposes.  It’s our perspective, our 50/20 Vision, which allows us to be fruitful and make an impact for His kingdom purposes.

Keeping our focus on the Lord enables us to endure hardships and difficulties.  Having a 50/20 Vision also helps us to recognize God’s activities and His divine appointments for witness and ministry.  Opportunities we might miss otherwise. Those opportunities may present themselves during visit to a medical center, an auto repair business or a shopping trip.

An Exemplary Witness

The Witness of Nature and Creation can be a Connector for a Witness of the Word

I observed an older gentlemen ask a small boy a simple question one time.  He held a flower in his hand and asked, “Do you think you could make one of these?”  Well, that question led to an important conversation about the Lord, the Maker of all things.  There are so many of those kinds of opportunities to engage in spiritual conversation when we are alert to them.

God’s eternal power and divine nature are clearly seen in His creative handy work.  It’s a powerful tool to connect with God’s artistic expressions and incorporate them into our daily conversations.  Such encounters can lead to life changing experiences when we bring Jesus into those conversations.  It does not always produce instant results, but when we sow the good seed of God’s Word into the lives of others, we can expect a harvest in His time.

Some Benefits of Hard Times

Hard times come to all of us.  When they do, we can ask the Lord, “How do you want me to respond?” — “What are you up to, and how do you want to use me in this situation?” God will often use us in those times to demonstrate His character to those around us.  Then the door can open to share, make know the hope that is within us, Christ Himself.

An automobile accident, a medical emergency or some other crisis situations can result in meeting new people and forming new relationships.  Those occasions can often result in spiritual light shining into new places.  As ambassadors of Christ, we can expect the Lord will be orchestrating our lives and circumstances to accomplish His purposes.  Having 50/20 Vision will enhance those possibilities.

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