BMF Life Stories UK Launches Major Social Media Evangelism Campaign


Wigan, England (ANS) – The team behind BMF Life Stories is seeking to mobilize a growing army of social media evangelists with the aim of reaching millions of people with the good news of Christ during these unprecedented times.

During the past six months since lockdown began BMF Life Stories UK has seen an unprecedented response to their Monday night BMF Life Stories Facebook live events.

Each week features interviews with people from all walks of life who share their miracle salvation stories. These have included a Canadian mechanic who was raised from the dead, an ex-UVF terrorist and even Yasser Arafat’s former bodyguard. Then there are opportunities for viewers to ask questions and they are able to click on an online salvation response link.

Canadian mechanic Bruce Van Natta who shares his miracle story.

BMF Life Stories Director Allan Jones says the impact has been remarkable: “Some of our largest responses have been from Libya, Papua New Guinea, Bangladesh to Algeria. We would probably never get into those countries to share the gospel, but God has opened the door through social media to be able to give testimonies in all of these nations and we’ve seen tremendous responses.”

To expand this growing impact BMF Life Stories has today (Monday September 21) launched an international media campaign to recruit a team of digital evangelists.

ANS Senior Editor Peter Wooding interviews BMF Life Stories team – Paul Fenton (top left), Allan Jones (bottom middle).

“We’re utilizing several Christian media platforms to call on people across the world to join our Facebook live events each Monday night at 8pm UK time and then share it with their non-Christian family and friends. I guarantee we’ll see souls come into the kingdom from it,” explains BMF Life Stories Social Media Coordinator Paul Fenton.

Paul concluded: “I really can’t encourage people enough.  It’s just two clicks watch and share and suddenly we could see people come to faith that we never dreamed possible.  We could end up having conversations with our neighbors with our family that we never imagined.”

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Peter Wooding
Peter Wooding is Senior Editor at Assist News Service and an award-winning radio, TV, and print journalist. Peter has worked as news editor at UCB Radio in the UK, and has reported from countries around the world including Israel, India, Russia, Serbia, South Sudan, Ukraine and Mozambique. Continuing his father Dan's legacy, Peter now leads the global expansion of ANS. He is also the London Bureau Chief for the Global News Alliance, Media and PR Officer for Leading The Way UK and UK Director for Mercy Projects. Peter lives in North Wales, UK, with his wife, Sharon, and their three daughters, Sarah, Anna and Abigail.