BREAKING NEWS: Evangelist Luis Palau has Lung Cancer


By Michael Ireland, Chief Correspondent for the ASSIST News Service (

BEAVERTON, OREGON (ANS – Jan. 18, 2018) – Dynamic evangelist and teacher, Luis Palau has announced by an email update to ministry supporters that he has cancer.

For more than 50 years of ministry, Palau and his team have been known for their commitment to the Word of God and the clear teachings of Jesus Christ.

mi Luis and Patricia Palau.01 18 18 2018Luis has lived a life of dedicated service and commitment to God as he shares the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.

Palau, who was born in Argentina, has vast experience with global cities, cultures and people groups: The Palau Association has had the opportunity to work with thousands of churches in hundreds of cities around the world, including nine top global cities: London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Chicago, Moscow, Madrid, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, and Washington D.C.

The Luis Palau Association has strong international experience with extensive ethnic and cultural understanding. The Palau Association has coordinated hundreds of citywide campaigns in dozens of nations, including major evangelistic festivals on five continents.

In the ministry update, monitored by ASSIST News Service ( Palau writes: “When Pat and I returned home from a ministry trip to the UK in November, I was fighting some sort of sickness. It seemed like a bad cold. Possibly pneumonia.

“Over the Christmas break, the doctors ran some tests. Sadly, it indicated cancer.  Just this week it was clearly confirmed. Stage 4 lung cancer. As you can imagine, this isn’t news we were expecting or hoping for. Yet our trust in the Lord remains rock solid.”

Palau said he and Pat are still praying over the right treatment plan. “The doctors have a few more tests to run as well. The family has sought all the necessary and prudent medical advice, and I trust we have a full and complete understanding of the situation to make the wisest, most God-honoring decisions. And of course, we have faith and trust in God. We’re in His hands. And we still have ministry to do.”

Palau said as of right now, he feels fine. “I’m full of energy (praise God) and committed as ever to sharing the Good News. Yet Pat and I know the next several months will be trying. We ask for your prayers.”

Palau continued: “I’ve seldom been sick in my life. A handful of colds. A few cases of the flu. The only time I was hospitalized was in my 50s when I broke my leg. But that was stupidity, not illness. So as you can imagine, this surprised us all. Pat and I and the entire family are still processing.

“I’ll keep doing what I’m doing for as long as I’m able. And frankly, I’m praying the Lord gives me many more years of fruitful ministry.”

Palau writes that, of course, with a diagnosis like stage 4 cancer, it’s not business as usual. “We must consider the very real implications and possible outcomes. This will definitely impact my travel and preaching schedule as I begin treatment. After that, only the Lord knows. We’re all praying for complete healing. I would ask you to join us in that prayer. We’ll be sure to keep you updated.”

Palau said that in many ways, he feels the Lord has much more in store for him. “Yet whatever tomorrow holds – I’m completely at peace. Both Patricia and I are. As we look back, we praise the Lord. Fifty-seven years of marriage. How many places we’ve been. How many people we’ve reached with the Gospel.”

Palau said he is holding strong to verses like Isaiah 41:10:

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

“One reason I’m at peace is because I know the ministry is in great hands. No matter what the future holds, whether God chooses to heal me completely or take me home to glory – I know the work of the Palau Association will continue on for generations to come. I praise God that in His wisdom we began preparing for this inevitable reality more than 10 years ago as our sons, Kevin, Andrew, and Keith, began to take on greater roles within the team.”

Palau said that as far as day-to-day operations, he hasen’t been intensely involved in years. “Our son Kevin has led that charge, and God is blessing his leadership in ways I never would have imagined. Kevin has proven himself as a true, natural, winsome leader filled with the blessed Holy Spirit.”

In the same way, Palau said, Andrew stepped up as a proclamation evangelist more than 10 years ago. “He is truly anointed. Today, he actually reaches more people than I do through his own campaigns – in Africa, Latin America, Europe, Asia, and even right here in the United States. He plays a key role in my campaigns as well – helping carry the burden of preaching at many of the outreach events. And Keith has been a huge blessing in his role with the Development Team, keeping us closely connected to so many great friends around the nation.”

mi Luis Palau and Billy Graham 01 18 2018Palau plans to continue to do his part as he goes through treatment and works toward healing. “I’ll preach when I can. I have writing to do, as well as radio. I also have a heart to reach young people through social media. And keep training those 45,000 pastors through the Luis Palau Bible Institute.

“So in many ways, not much will change with this news. For me personally, yes. But for the team, absolutely not. We’ll continue to reach out, to train other evangelists, and to inspire cities to lift up Jesus. And as long as I have breath (I’m praying that will be many more years) I will preach. I will raise high the banner of biblical evangelism. I will do my part. And I’m praying you continue to do yours as well.”

Palau said that if ever there has been a time when the ministry has needed its friends to stand with them, it’s now. “We need your prayers. We need your support. We need your financial partnership.

“We all have but one life. And of course, we never know when it will end. I pray that we all make the most of it – as long as it is called day. Because soon enough, night will come, when no one can do the work (John 9:4). Thank you for praying and trusting the Lord with us. We’ll be sure to keep you in the loop as things progress and we learn more. We’ll do our best to include you in regular updates. We’ll also post them on”

Palau asks for prayer for Pat and himself personally. “These are uncertain times. But we are holding fast to Jesus and His peace, and trusting the Lord.

“Pray as well for Kevin, Andrew, and Keith as they continue to lead the team well. This will be a big year of ministry.  Many big plans underway. God has so much in store – and there are still so many who need to hear the Good News. My new reality will require Andrew to take on more of the direct ministry. But that’s good. He’s gifted. He will carry the Good News with strength.

“We can’t slow down. We can’t let the enemy get a foothold. Let’s be steadfast in our resolve. Let’s not waver. But instead, let’s press ahead with all the more urgency and tenacity.”

mi Luis Palau preaching to large crowds.01 18 2018Palau concluded by saying that he and Pat  would love to hear from you. “Any word from the Lord – any Scripture or encouragement you could give. It would be a true blessing. You can email me at . We may not be able to respond right away, but we’ll do our best.

“And of course, anything you can do to keep our evangelistic work moving forward – including all of our festivals, radio, television, social media, our work with 700+ partner evangelists, and the tens of thousands of students from the online Bible Institute, we would be so blessed.” 

Palau recorded a short video to share with you about his health. You can watch it at He said he and the team will communicate with regularly to keep you updated as you join us in prayer.

Luis Palau Association, 1500 NW 167th Place, Beaverton, Or 97006

Photo captions: 1) Luis and Patricia Palau. 2) Luis and Billy Graham. 3) Luis preaching to large crowds. 4) Michael Ireland of ASSIST News Service.

Michael Ireland small useAbout the Writer: Michael Ireland is a volunteer internet journalist serving as Chief Correspondent for the ASSIST News Service, as well as an Ordained Minister, and an award-winning local cable-TV program host/producer who has served with ASSIST Ministries and written for ANS since its beginning in 1989. He has reported for ANS from Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Israel, Jordan, China, and Russia. You may follow Michael on Facebook at, and on Twitter at @Michael_ASSIST. Please consider helping Michael cover his expenses in bringing news of the Persecuted Church, by logging-on to: 

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