‘Needtobreathe: Into The Mystery’ Documentary Feature to Premiere in Theaters on...
“Needtobreathe: Into The Mystery,” a documentary feature, directed by Chris Phelps and produced in partnership with Elektra Records and Foundations Music, will be released by...
Unmasked: Conquering Sexual Sin and Walking in Victory
An atheist who grew up in a Jewish home, Neil Getzlow remembers more about his family’s beliefs surrounding Jesus than the holy days he...
Performers Announced for the 52nd Annual GMA Dove Awards
The Gospel Music Association (GMA) has announced the performers for the 52nd Annual GMA Dove Awards including all five New Artist of the Year...
Best in Contemporary Christian and Gospel Music to be recognized at...
The GMA Dove Awards will return to a live, in-person event at Lipscomb University’s Allen Arena in Nashville, Tennessee on Tues., Oct. 19. The...
John Warwick Montgomery to Deliver Lanier Lecture
Houston, Texas (ANS)—Renowned scholar, theologian, lawyer, and apologist, John Warwick Montgomery, will present a free lecture at the Lanier Library in Houston, Texas. Entitled...
God is Perfect in All His Ways
“Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect”—Matthew 5:48 (NIV).
Confession time. I’m a Christian, but not perfect. I make mistakes and I mess...
Sight Seeing, Fact Finding and Prayer Walking: A Simple Plan...
Houston, TX (ANS) - In 1966, while in the United States Air Force stationed in Misawa, Japan, I had the opportunity of climbing the...
UK National Radio Host Launches God Speaks Book – 40 Letters...
UCB2 Christian Radio Presenter Ruth O’Reilly Smith is releasing her first ever book today called God Speaks – 40 Letters from the Father’s Heart.
‘The Eyes of Tammy Faye’ movie: Televangelist sex, drugs, and holy...
The 1980s PTL televangelist scandal became a global soap opera, complete with corporate intrigue, Jesus-praisin' power struggles, big bucks, betrayal, sex, tears, and mascara…plenty of mascara. 'The Eyes of Tammy Faye' interprets Jim and Tammy Bakker's saga for new generations, providing valuable life-lesson reminders.
Former Senator Urges Formal Apology to Native Americans, Reconciliation
The United States Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom under President Donald J. Trump told Native Americans in Washington, D.C. for worship and prayer that...