At least one abducted Chibok girl free from Boko Haram captivity...

Witney, England, (ANS) - At least one of the schoolgirls abducted by Boko Haram seven years ago from the town of Chibok - in northeast Nigeria - has escaped captivity, according to Christian persecution watchdog Open Doors UK...

Recover Your Life with Jesus’ Help

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you...

Nobel Peace Prize Winner Quotes Command of Jesus to ‘Love Your...

Rome, Italy (ANS) - In honour of their contribution to tackling global hunger in 2020 in the midst of continued conflict, famine and the...

Soaring to Greater Heights of Usefulness to God

Houston, TX (ANS) – Sometimes, it may seem there is not much to be thankful for or encouraged about.  Looking at all that is...

DRC: More than 100 people killed in Islamic extremist attacks

Witney, England (ANS) - In the past month, at least 100 people have been killed by an Islamic extremist group in a series of...

Christians Urged to Share Stories of Hope Online

Leicester, England (ANS) - Christians across the UK whose prayers have been answered are being encouraged to tell their stories online to make hope...

Anti-Conversion Movement Spreads in India

Orpington, England (ANS) - Another state in India has passed a law banning religious conversions, reports UK-based Release International. Madhya Pradesh has replaced existing...

Big-Tech silences Trump — Will Christians and Israel be next?

JERUSALEM, Israel (ANS) -- The Jan. 6 storming of the United States Capitol Building by activists and rioters is being used as a justification...

African Children’s Choir Founder says ‘Don’t Tell Me It Can’t Be...

Vancouver, Canada (ANS) - African Children’s Choir founder Ray Barnett, who currently lives in Vancouver in Canada, had one of the quietest years of...

Samaritan’s Purse Responds to Covid-19 Crisis in California

LOS ANGELES, California (ANS) -- Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham was in Los Angeles County January 13  to see final preparations before the ministry...