Asia Bibi ‘hunted door-to-door’

Supporters appeal for Asia Bibi and her family to be given asylum By Michael Ireland, Chief Correspondent PAKISTAN (ANS – Nov. 23, 2018) -- The family of...

After Rolland Baker prayed for him, he spent 8 hours in...

At Rolland and Heidi Baker’s Harvest School of Missions in Pemba, Mozambique, students flock from all over the world to spend two months soaking in...

American missionary killed by arrows trying to reach remote tribe with...

A 26-year-old American missionary originally from Alabama, John Allen Chau, gave his life attempting to reach a remote tribe with the Gospel on an island...

Drama: Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places in Promenade

A discussion on drama using the production of the play Promenade ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO.  A bride wakes up in front of a church, later wandering...

Choose to be Thankful

By Carol Round, Special to ASSIST News Service  GROVE, OKLAHOMA —“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and...

Algeria Government Warning: Your children may be Christian

Algeria believers
In Algeria, about 95 percent of the population follows Islam and less than two percent are Christians. The government bans conversion from Islam to...

Muslim woman searched for God’s love

Muslim woman reads the Word
Aisha*, 27, grew up in a Muslim family. Her father was devoted to Islam and her mother was obedient to her father. As a...

Consider the Birds: The Year of the Bird

A discussion on the importance of birds to people and the Bible ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO—One-hundred years ago, the U.S. Congress signed the Migratory Bird Treaty...

Remember People Affected by Violence On Veteran’s Day

Pray, ponder, and seek God’s pastures of protection in a time of violence ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO—“Ponder the lives that were lost..and the day humans...

Asia Bibi’s Lawyer Receives Shelter In Netherlands

<Pakistan denies Asia Bibi has left the country <Her lawyer can stay for three months in The Netherlands By Stefan J. Bos, Special Correspondent ASSIST News...