U.S. Drives Stake in the Ground to Advance Religious Freedom
By Dominic Sputo of Lumenlife - I would like to begin to unpack the significance of last week’s unprecedented Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom...
Running For Grace Movie Premiere
The new movie Running For Grace opens in 11 movie theaters this weekend and shares a powerful story of love, adoption, and the yearning...
The Gift of Friendships
“Sweet friendships refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy, for good friends are like the anointing oil that yields the fragrant incense...
Former Muslim Woman Encounters God through life-changing dream
On the verge of a nervous breakdown, Fatima* cried out to God to reveal himself to her. Growing up in a strict Muslim home...
Pastor Greg Laurie Says ‘Bible Offensive To Some’
Billboard advertising Greg Laurie SoCal Harvest removed after complaints
By Michael Ireland, Chief Correspondent, ASSIST News Service
IRVINE, CA (ANS – Aug. 11, 2018) — A...
Keith Getty Receives British Award
Keith Getty Receives the Officer of the Order of the British Empire From The Queen of England
EDINBURGH, UK — Keith Getty, the hymn writer...
False Hopes – A Romantic Comedy For All Of Us
CORONA, CA (ANS – August 9, 2018) -- The new movie False Hopes is a romantic comedy with faith-based actors. Is it possible to have...
Beijing Churches Issue Declaration in “New Era”
BEIJING, CHINA (ANS – July 31, 2018) -- Thirty-four churches in Beijing have issued a joint declaration calling on the government to respect the basic...
US Hits Turkey With Sanctions Over Jailed Pastor, Andrew Brunson
IZMIR, TURKEY (ANS – August 1, 2018) -- The BBC is reporting that the US has imposed sanctions on Turkey's justice and interior ministers over...
The Shocking Reasons Christians Have Lost Credibility in Today’s Culture
We’d like to say we were shocked, but the truth is, we were expecting the criticism. My friend and marketing expert Jonathan Bock and...