Disruptive Hope: What Your Therapist Never Told You.

MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA (ANS) – More than 130 people die daily in the United States after overdosing with opioids or heroin. The misuse of and...

‘Trust First’ Reveals Georgia Pastor’s Heart for Homeless

ATLANTA, GEORGIA (ANS) – 'Trust First' tells the story of how homelessness, addiction, the incarceration cycle, and sex trafficking are known problems that are...

The Clarification Factor: Fruitful Living and Ministry

Houston, TX (ANS) –  We are certainly living in a time where we need a lot of clarification on a wide range of issues. ...

Hear God’s Voice by being Intentional

“Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, ‘This is the way you should go,’ whether to the right...

‘Bless Your Pastor’ Campaign

COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO (ANS) -- A new national campaign to help Christians and all congregations in America to “show and share God’s love” for...

Called to be Men: Part Three

BILLINGS, MONTANA (ANS) – Pastor and author Deborah Munson was asked how God prepared her to write the book, Called to be Men, she...

Called to be Men: Part Two

BILLINGS, MONTANA (ANS) – According to authors Pastor Steve Heimbichner and Pastor Deborah Munson, the central thesis of Called to be Men is that...

Called to be Men: Part One

BILLINGS, MONTANA, UNITED STATES (ANS) -- Surrounded by multiple conflicting voices in our Western society concerning manhood, how can we as men overcome our...

Meant to Run Your Own Race

“And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith”—Hebrews 12:1-2(NIV). In...

In her near-death experience, Jesus and Satan disputed over her life

At a summer swim party with her youth group after church, the unthinkable happened to Steffani Besch. A young prankster gave her a shove as...