This worship song becoming anthem of persecuted church
A man stands outside the house, keeping watch for attackers. Music drifts from the open
windows. People inside the home sit on plastic chairs, standing...
Iran: 60 yr old woman in prison for leading house church...
Sixty-year-old Christian prisoner of conscience Mina Khajavi is reported to be struggling
with pain and unable to access the medical care she requires inside Tehran’s...
Chinese Bible distributor sentenced to 5 Years in prison
In 2021, Chinese authorities arrested 10 Christians for selling and distributing Bibles in Hohhot, the capital city of Inner Mongolia — an autonomous region...
Egypt: Attackers who burned Christian homes to be prosecuted
By Nader Shukry --
The perpetrators and instigators of recent attacks against Copts in two villages in Minya, some 250km south of Cairo, have been...
Pastor arrested by electric company for complaining about rates
More people fled Cuba in 2022 than ever before in the country’s 64-year history as a communist regime. According to U.S. government data, 250,000...
Terrorists kill 28 in three Christian villages
Fulani herdsmen killed 28 Christians from April 20 to April 22 in an area of Benue state, Nigeria, residents said.
“Some groups of Muslim Fulanis...
Christian family forced off farmland they leased
Police in Pakistan are refusing to arrest Muslims who attacked a Christian family and seized
their farm land, and officers also damaged property, sources said.
Prominent Lebanese Christian leader killed
Pascal Suleiman, a Lebanese Christian leader, was reported missing on April 7 and later
found dead in neighboring Syria. Suleiman was a leader of the...
Christian med student kidnapped, forced to convert to Islam
Authorities in Egypt have abetted the kidnapping and forcible conversion to Islam of a
Coptic Christian woman, according to a widely published expert on the...
She paid a price for following Jesus in Iran
“They said if I return to Islam, I could have it all… But how could I forget what Jesus had done for me? The...