Colorado law censors Christian counselors

All Christians are called to “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2), but for some Christians, helping others to...

Over 100 Christian college students arrested

Earlier this month, Eritrean police raided a group of Christian college students who had gathered to worship and record video clips for social media.   Release...

Muslim Relatives Kill Pastor for His Faith

Muslim relatives of a pastor in eastern Uganda took him from his home and killed him for his faith this month, sources said. Pastor Adinani...

Muslims prohibit construction of church building

Muslims in a village in northeastern Indonesia’s portion of Borneo Island prohibited a church from constructing a worship building, sources said. Local leaders of Selumit...

She remembers life before communists took over

She remembers life before communists took over Rhee Soon-ja has vivid memories of her father reading the Bible to her and her six siblings when...

Evangelists in Laos Brave Persecution

Evangelists in Laos Brave Persecution Languishing in prison after being arrested for his faith, a native Christian worker in Laos feared he would die of...

Fact Finding, Sight Seeing, and Prayer Walking

By Jerry Wiles -- In recent years “Prayer Walking” has become an important topic in relation to ministry and mission strategies. It is often referred...

The Power of Curiosity

By Jerry Wiles -- “Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning,” so said William Arthur Ward, one of America’s most quoted writers.  Albert...

A Walk of Faith Begins with a Step of Faith

By Jerry Wiles It’s a vivid memory for me the first time, that I know of, that I was responsible for someone else coming to...

Timing, common ground, and fruitfulness in witness

By Jerry Wiles -- After more than a decade of cultivating a relationship with one of our neighbors, I finally got around to having a...