Soaring to Greater Heights of Usefulness to God

Houston, TX (ANS) – Sometimes, it may seem there is not much to be thankful for or encouraged about.  Looking at all that is...

Credibility, Trustworthiness and the Good News

Houston, TX (ANS) – During the decade of the 1980s, while serving as chairman of a coalition of a few hundred ministry and mission...

Blooming Where We’re Planted

Houston, TX (ANS) – Growing up during the 1950 and ‘60s, I heard a lot from my parents and other adults about what life was...

Jobs and A New Dairy Farm For Armenia

The historically Christian country of Armenia is surrounded by Muslim nations.  Their small army made up of both regular soldiers and a huge contingent...

Iran Alive Celebrates 10,000 Salvations Since May

MELISSA, Texas (ANS) -- In October, Iran Alive  received amazing news: they reached 10,000 salvations through their broadcast ministry since May! To honor this...

Gifts that Keep on Giving: Being the Hands, and Feet,...

HOUSTON, TX  (ANS) — “The poor and needy search for water, but there is none; their tongues are parched with thirst. But the Lord will...

Hope In the Midst of Lockdowns

I love being around people who overflow with hope. I think we all do. In countries that Mercy Projects works, such as Ukraine, Kosovo,...

Vietnam Denies Permission for Evangelicals to Hold Clergy Assembly

HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam. (ANS) – The government of Vietnam has denied the Evangelical Church of Vietnam (South) permission to hold its scheduled...

Jihadist Militants Slaughter Christians in Congo

Clergyman loses wife, four children in horrific attack.   NAIROBI, Kenya (ANS) – Suspected members of an insurgent jihadist group slaughtered 20 Christians in villages in...

More Signs of Spiritual Awakening

Houston, TX (ANS) – In a recent conversation with a friend, we discussed some of the problems and challenges we are facing these days.  My...