Calmness in the Storms of Life
Houston, TX (ANS) – We all encounter the storms of life; difficulties, problems and crisis situations. Who do you go to during those storms...
Living Water — for the Body and the Soul
Houston, TX (ANS) – A few years ago I visited a region in East Africa where the people had experienced a severe drought for...
Love in Action: Is a Short-Term Mission Trip to Mexico For...
“What does a short-term mission trip to northern Baja, Mexico, look like?”
Strong Tower Ministries and Kids Around the World are hosting an interactive ministry...
Sharing Life Together: Being Salt and Light in a Dark...
Houston, TX (ANS) – When I joined the Air Force right out of high school, I immediately began to learn more about sharing life...
I Was in Prison and You Visited Me
Russian Federation – Mercy Projects partners with and supports several chaplains and pastors in Russia. They are national missionaries in different regions of the...
Gospel For Asia After-School Program Provides Safe Haven For Shy Boy
Each day more than 70,000 needy children across Asia receive a daily meal as well as help with their education as part of Gospel...
The Neighborhood Mission Field
Houston, TX (ANS) – After more than a decade of cultivating a relationship with one of our neighbors, I finally got around to having...
Nigeria: Terrorists Kill Bride-To-Be, Bridesmaids En Route to Wedding
The growing death toll of Christians in Nigeria includes the recent report of a woman and her bridal party killed by terrorists just five...
Violence Against Christians in Nigeria Continues; 13 Killed, Four Kidnapped
Thirteen members of a church in the Plateau state of Nigeria were killed by armed Muslim Fulani herdsmen on Wednesday (Jan. 8), an independent...
The Alertness Factor: Connecting with God’s Redemptive Activity
Houston, TX (ANS) – God is at work at all times, and in every place. Being alert to our environment and the people around...