Turkey Detains Armenian Activist for Referencing Genocide

WASHINGTON, D.C. (ANS) -- Local Istanbul police detained and interrogated Turkish-Armenian activist Alexis Kalk for comments made at a memorial service which referenced the...

Pastor in Nepal Filled with Fear — and Faith – after...

NEW DELHI, INDIA (ANS) – An increase in persecution of Christians in Nepal began after a new criminal code was passed in October 2017,...

Funeral Held for Eight Christians Killed in Easter Procession in Nigeria

JOS, NIGERIA (ANS) -- Hundreds of family members and sympathizers on Saturday (April 27) attended a funeral in northeastern Nigeria for eight young Christians,...

Hungarian Exhibition Highlights Persecution of Christians in the Middle East

MUNICH, GERMANY (ANS) -- A unique, disturbing and touching exhibition of the Hungarian National Museum under the title In the Crossfire: Christian Persecution in...

North Korea issued $2 million bill for Otto Warmbier’s care

BEIJING, CHINA (ANS) – In a bizarre twist in the case of student Otto Warmbier, detained and then released by North Korea in a...

Heirloom Tomatoes and What They Tell Us about Our Faith

Anaheim CA (ANS) – Heirloom tomatoes are the real deal.  Dominic Sputo, the author of Heirloom Love, talked to me recently about how his...

Leader of Bombed Evangelical Church in Sri Lanka Offers Forgiveness to...

NEW YORK, NY (ANS) -- The leader of the evangelical church bombed in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday has spoken out, offering forgiveness...

Mexican Agreement Allows Protestants Access to Water and Electricity

CHIAPAS, MEXICO (ANS) -- An agreement has been reached in Chiquinivalvo, Chiapas state, permitting 12 Protestant Christians to receive basic services, after access was...

Sri Lanka Terror Killed Five Family Members of GFA Worker

WILLS POINT, TEXAS (ANS) – Humanitarian agency Gospel For Asia (GFA, www.gfa.org ) reports the latest death toll in the Sri Lanka bomb attacks...

East Ukraine’s unsung heroes of the faith

At the height of the conflict in East Ukraine in May 2014, UNHCR paramedic Evgeniy Tkachov was imprisoned by Russian separatists while risking his...