Egypt: Attackers who burned Christian homes to be prosecuted

By Nader Shukry -- The perpetrators and instigators of recent attacks against Copts in two villages in Minya, some 250km south of Cairo, have been...

Terrorists kill 28 in three Christian villages

Fulani herdsmen killed 28 Christians from April 20 to April 22 in an area of Benue state, Nigeria, residents said. “Some groups of Muslim Fulanis...

Muslim husband beats wife with metal rod for attending Christian worship

Among the 8 million people who have fled military conflict in Sudan is a mother who lost two babies to illness and was beaten for...

North Carolina pastor released from Chinese prison after 7 years

Pastor John Cao has been released from prison in Kunming in Yunnan province on March 3rd after finishing his seven year sentence. Pastor John Cao is...

China cracks down on Tibetans protesting dam

The Chinese government has reportedly detained more than 1,000 Tibetans amidst protests over a dam project that would force two villages to relocate and destroy...

Good News about Jesus is revolutionary in Yemen

Houthi attacks on cargo ships in the Red Sea have put Yemen in the crosshairs of Western forces. The European Union is launching a new one-year naval operation...

Attack on church leaves 15 dead

On Feb. 25, a group of gunmen violently attacked a Catholic church in Essakane Village, located in the Oudalan province. The assailants opened fire...

Nicaraguan priest speaks out against Ortega’s authoritarian rule

Speaking to an audience of 1,500 gathered for the IRF Summit in Washington, D.C., a Nicaraguan priest recently told his story of persecution at the...

Christian flight attendants fired by airline after taking a stand for...

By Jalen Jenkins – Fired after voicing concerns about the Alaska Airlines’ support of the LGBTQ-promoting Equality Act, two flight attendants are now suing the...

China: Evangelical arrested for printing children’s Sunday School materials

Hong Kong Christian Chen Yueli, whose English name is Stephen, who was involved in the printing of children’s Sunday school materials, was taken away...