History-making Mission Banquet for Overseas Students

'Back-to-School' Anniversary Weekend for History-making Mission By Bill Bray, Correspondent, ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net) CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA (ANS - August 24, 2018) – Overseas Students Mission will...

US Pastor Case in Turkey ‘Should highlight the millions of...

Written by Peter Wooding With growing media attention on the story of US Pastor Andrew Brunson being held in Turkey, Help The Persecuted CEO Joshua...

Social Management Measures Against Christianity in China

social management
Artificial Intelligence among Social Management tools in China By Michael Ireland, Chief Correspondent, ASSIST News Service BEIJING, CHINA - A massive crackdown using social management tools to...

Chinese Crackdown Continues: China Closes Churches

By Dominic Sputo, Lumenlife Zion Church is Beijing’s largest house church with approximately 1,500 congregants in eight campuses. Today is their last worship service. China...

Quest For Truth: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
This documentary is about the twisting, complex quest for the truth about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as experienced by 11 Millennials from 7 nations. You...

House Church Members in Iran Sentenced to Year in Prison

Authorities continue to lash out at 'House Church' Christians By Michael Ireland, Chief Correspondent, ASSIST News Service BUSHEHR, IRAN -- A convert from Islam in...

U.S. Drives Stake in the Ground to Advance Religious Freedom

Religious Freedom
By Dominic Sputo of Lumenlife - I would like to begin to unpack the significance of last week’s unprecedented Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom...

Former Muslim Woman Encounters God through life-changing dream

On the verge of a nervous breakdown, Fatima* cried out to God to reveal himself to her. Growing up in a strict Muslim home...

Beijing Churches Issue Declaration in “New Era”

Beijing churches
BEIJING, CHINA (ANS – July 31, 2018) -- Thirty-four churches in Beijing have issued a joint declaration calling on the government to respect the basic...

US Hits Turkey With Sanctions Over Jailed Pastor, Andrew Brunson

andrew brunson
IZMIR, TURKEY (ANS – August 1, 2018) -- The BBC is reporting that the US has imposed sanctions on Turkey's justice and interior ministers over...