Woman Miraculously Healed

By Mark Ellis, Senior Correspondent for ASSIST News Service SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (ANS - April 13, 2018) -- She is the daughter of a faith preacher...

Wounded from Syria are told to “Go West”

Poriya Hospital
Poriya Hospital in The Galilee Treats Injured Children from the Syrian Civil War By Michael Ireland, Chief Correspondent, ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net) TIBERIUS,...

Biblica Meeting ‘Bible Hunger’ in Cuba

Spanish-translation ministry and distributor welcomes 'positive movements' in serving country's growing church By Michael Ireland, Chief Correspondent, ASSIST News Service COLORADO SPRINGS, CO (ANS - April...

India: Major faiths reject use of religious identity

World Watch Monitor
INDIA - Leaders of six major faiths have issued a joint call condemning the use of religion for political ends, ahead of India’s 2019...

Four Christians Killed in Easter Attack in Pakistan

Morning Star News
By Michael Ireland, Chief Correspondent, ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net) LAHORE, PAKISTAN (ANS – April 6, 2018) – Four Christians, including a woman, were killed...