Former Muslim Woman Encounters God through life-changing dream

On the verge of a nervous breakdown, Fatima* cried out to God to reveal himself to her. Growing up in a strict Muslim home...

Beijing Churches Issue Declaration in “New Era”

Beijing churches
BEIJING, CHINA (ANS – July 31, 2018) -- Thirty-four churches in Beijing have issued a joint declaration calling on the government to respect the basic...

US Hits Turkey With Sanctions Over Jailed Pastor, Andrew Brunson

andrew brunson
IZMIR, TURKEY (ANS – August 1, 2018) -- The BBC is reporting that the US has imposed sanctions on Turkey's justice and interior ministers over...

North Korea Believers Who Return to their Country

north korea
In this Dove TV interview from the UK, Dan shares about the incredible story of Korean believers escaping into North Korea to share their...

Pastor Andrew Brunson Update in Turkey

Andrew Brunson
ISTANBUL -- A Turkish court has rejected an appeal by U.S. pastor Andrew Brunson to be released from house arrest as his trial on terror and espionage...

Pastor shot dead outside church in India

BPCA photo
LUDHIANA, INDIA - Doctors at Dayanand Medical College & Hospital (DMC) in Ludhiana declared Pastor Sultan Masih dead on arrival after witnesses said two...

President Trump Urged To Speak Out For Persecuted North Korean Christians

President Trump
NORTH WALES, UK – International journalist, Dan Wooding, who is one of the few Christian reporters ever allowed to report from inside of North...

Christians in northern Nigeria fear “jihadist crusade”

By Sheraz Khan, Africa Correspondent for ASSIST News Service KADUNA STATE, NORTHERN NIGERIA (ANS – April 16, 2018) – Islamist nomadic herdsmen may be about...

Tortured by ISIS, Missionary leads 40 to Christ

SUDAN - Charged with being a spy, Czech missionary Petr Jasek endured a 14-month imprisonment in Sudan where he was tortured by fellow cellmates. But...

India: Major faiths reject use of religious identity

World Watch Monitor
INDIA - Leaders of six major faiths have issued a joint call condemning the use of religion for political ends, ahead of India’s 2019...