WASHINGTON, D.C. (ANS) — call2all and a coalition of Christian leaders from around the world will gather at the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C., on Monday, September 16, to launch AD 2020 Global Year of the Bible, a first-of-its-kind initiative designed to affirm and promote the value of the Bible for all people.
During the launch, a panel of leaders representing major Bible and missions groups around the world will share The Bible Engagement Covenant, which states that the Bible is key to all areas of society and that God through His word gave us the foundations for life.

The covenant is being signed by Christian leaders globally and will also be made available to the public. In addition, during the program a video message from Pope Francis recorded at the Vatican will encourage the global church to be part of AD 2020 Global Year of the Bible.
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The panel of leaders participating includes Steve Green, president and CEO of Hobby Lobby, Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With A Mission, Pope Francis via video message, Bishop Ephraim Tendero, secretary-general of World Evangelical Alliance, Roy Peterson, president of American Bible Society , Mark Anderson, president of call2all and other prominent Christian leaders from around the world who have signed the Bible Engagement Covenant.
Christian leaders from around the world will gather at the Museum of the Bible on Monday, Sept. 16, from 9 to 11 a.m., at World Stage Theater, Museum of the Bible, 400 4th St. SW, Washington, DC 20024, to launch AD 2020 Global Year of the Bible, a first-of-its-kind initiative designed to affirm and promote the value of the Bible for all people.
A panel of leaders representing major Bible and missions groups around the world—including Steve Green, president and CEO of Hobby Lobby, John Chestnut, Ph.D., of Wycliffe Translators, Bishop Efraim Tendero of the World Evangelical Alliance, Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With A Mission and Roy Peterson of the American Bible Society—will share The Bible Engagement Covenant, which states that the Bible is key for all areas of society and that God through His Word gave us the foundations for life. The covenant is being signed by heads of Christian movements, leaders of missions organizations, and influential pastors spanning the globe and will be made available to the public after the event.
In addition, during the program a video message from Pope Francis recorded at the Vatican will encourage the global church to be a part of AD 2020 Global Year of the Bible.
“We are living in a strategic time. Never has our country and our world needed the Word of God more than now, and never before have we been so close to making the Bible available to everyone in the world, in their heart language,” said call2all President Mark Anderson.
“The A.D. 2020 Global Year of the Bible is designed to encourage Christians around the world to read, hear, understand, and apply the Word of God in their lives. We can’t think of anything more important.”
call2all is a movement of Christians from across the globe, working together to see the completion of the Great Commission—Jesus’ ultimate mandate to us all: “Go and make disciples everywhere.”
It is a collaborative movement that strategizes and puts into action the most effective ways to go where the Church is not, rather than where it is. call2all does not replace existing ministries, but aims to network, train and focus the body of Christ to fulfill the Great Commission.
The author of this story, Michael Ireland, is a self-supported media missionary with ANS. Click here to support him as a missionary journalist.