Christ’s Church to Host Night to Shine Prom for People with Special Needs


Christ’s Church in Mason, Ohio, recently announced that they will serve as one of more than 650 churches around the world, who will host Night to Shine 2019, sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation, simultaneously on Friday, February 8. Christ’s Church was one of 44 churches to host the event in 2015, and now it has grown to more than 700 locations worldwide.

Night to Shine is an unforgettable prom night experience, centered on God’s love, for people with special needs ages 14 and older, hosted by local churches in all 50 states and across the globe all on one night. In 2018, Night to Shine was hosted by over 537 churches nationwide and in 16 countries.

Christ’s Church is excited to be a part of this worldwide movement that God is using as a catalyst to change how culture embraces people with special needs and to rally the church worldwide to stand up for those who are differently-abled. Every guest of Night to Shine enters this complimentary event on a red carpet complete with a warm welcome from a friendly crowd and paparazzi.

Once inside, guests receive the royal treatment, including hair and makeup stations, shoe shining areas, limousine rides, corsages and boutonnieres, a catered dinner, karaoke, prom favors, a dance floor… all leading up to the moment when each guest is crowned king or queen of the prom.

“I am blown away by how we are seeing God use the Church to step into this space as an advocate for people with special needs. It’s not about my foundation or the churches themselves, but about communities coming together to love and celebrate people with differences. Every town, every village, every state, every country needs a Night to Shine for their special needs community – a chance to be a part of something significant and life-changing…and to be blessed in the process,” said Tim Tebow, founder of the Tim Tebow Foundation.

As sponsor of Night to Shine, the Tim Tebow Foundation provides each host church with the official 2019 Night to Shine Planning Manual, the official Night to Shine Prom Kit, complete with decorations and gifts for the guests, and personalized guidance and support from a Tim Tebow Foundation staff member. The foundation also has committed millions of dollars in financial support to hundreds of churches needing assistance in hosting the event.

When Night to Shine launched in 2015, 44 host churches and 15,000 volunteers worked together to honor more than 7,000 kings and queens of the prom. This past February, 537 host churches and 175,000 volunteers came together to celebrate 90,000 honored guests with special needs. Now in its fifth anniversary year, the Tim Tebow Foundation is seeing new churches sign up continuously and the event is expected to take place in over 700 locations in February.

For additional information on the Night to Shine hosted by Christ’s Church in Mason, visit For more information on the worldwide movement of Night to Shine, sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation, go to

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