MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA (ANS) – More than 130 people die daily in the United States after overdosing with opioids or heroin. The misuse of and addiction to opioids—including prescription pain relievers, heroin, and synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, has risen to epidemic proportions.
Christian psychologist Paul F. Singh has written a new book, Disruptive Hope: What Your Therapist Never Told You, which seeks to address the root causes of these addictions.
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PTSD/trauma and addiction psychologist Paul F. Singh shows how most traditional counseling therapy fails people. It generally targets only 25% of a person’s story. “That is like seeking surgery that only removed just one-fourth of a cancer,” he says.
Singh says that if you’re trying to fill the hole in the human spirit with an addiction to alcohol, opioids, heroin, food, sex, phone or screen addictions, “you really need to read this book and find help and hope in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.”
Singh not only insightfully addresses the 25% — he skillfully unveils the missing 75% of therapy.
He said: “By understanding 100% of their pain and what they’re doing with it, people will no longer just be managing their tip of the iceberg symptoms. They’ll be healing from the inside out. This is true healing, that will reshape your brain and life patterns. How? Learn how with the help of God, He can unlock the passion, gifts and purpose at a cellular level where your very life makes a bold statement of love, power and greatness!”
Paul Franklin Singh (born August 21, 1959), known as ‘Psychologist Paul,’ is an American psychologist, author and international holistic life change coach in Beverly Hills and Hollywood, California and Minneapolis, Minnesota. Singh is also a noted international expert on addictions and lectures to international neuropsychiatrists in Paris, France on the topics of Neuroplasticity (Changing your brain at any age) and Cellular Memory Healing (How to Erase Negative Emotions).
Singh first gained expert status as a PTSD and trauma addiction psychologist as he started lecturing at the former “Meet the Expert” series at the Mayo Clinics and the Hazelden Betty Ford alcohol and drug clinics on how to help disrupt the global opioid and heroin epidemic.
Singh came to Christ in 1977 through the ministry of the Navigators at the University of Minnesota. He then went on to Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, Indiana under the direction of Dr. Larry Crabb and Dr. Dan Allender.
“Being fresh out of seminary, I wanted to influence the world for Christ though my new Biblical counseling practice,” he said. “This was over thirty years ago. This book is my legacy self-help book for clients, to equip caregivers in biblical counseling and for many non-Christians to come to Christ.”

Singh said his goals for the book are fourfold:
** To bring the love and power of God back into a godless culture that has turned their back against the living God.
** For people to see and taste stories of authentic hope to clarify that our primary three goals in life is to love God, others and ourselves and to not be distracted by the pulls of the world and this generation.
** To help people understand that to experience lasting change from the inside out you need to first heal from the inside out.
** Many of our Christian artists, musicians, elders, pastors, Christian doctors and Christian lawyers are struggling with overusing or becoming addicted to sleeping pills, sedatives, anti-anxieties and other psychotropic medication.
He asks: “Doesn’t it make sense to have a book and model that can equip the church in healing versus sending Christians to a secular psychologist or psychiatrist?
“If I needed a cardiovascular surgeon due to heart disease, I would want a competent surgeon who was being guided by the Holy Spirit. As Biblical psychologists and psychiatrists, we all want someone competent but who is also being guided by the Holy Spirit.”
Singh is a prostate cancer survivor and understands suffering and chronic pain.
“I was 6-12 months away from being put in a coffin. Today, I live in deep gratitude, surrender and worship to a God who has rooted me and grounded me in His love so I can live daily in the power of the Holy Spirit,” he said.
In an interview with ASSIST News, Singh said he thinks we are living in a helpless and hopeless generation which has lost its sense of security, not knowing there is a safe place to live anymore.
“I see a lot of people who are living in anxiety and depression and have lost their hope to the point of suicidal ideation. I am contending hard in prayer that as people we learn how to build a new foundation that is rooted and established in God’s love and will live new lives flowing out of the power of the Holy Spirit. That ‘Disruptive HOPE’ brings many back to the sustaining love and power of Jesus Christ regardless of their current painful circumstances.”
Singh said readers should get his book to understand that the Holy Spirit can heal their core sense of belonging and their core sense of being. Their pain that is directly connected to their pulls for addictions and emotionally dependent relationships, “so that God’s love and power can heal then at a cellular level in spirit, soul and body and this will start to unlock their passion, gifts and purpose!”
He hopes that readers will also learn that they are deeply loved by God no matter what they have done in their life.
“I hope many will understand the Gospel in a compelling way where their daily thirst for the water Jesus offers them at the well and to eat of the daily bread as they have a new anticipation in reading the Word of God, so that their lives would be marked by being male and female warriors for Christ and they would take on a new destiny of becoming passionate worshippers and warriors until death do us part.”
www.PaulSingh.com www.HolisticLifeChange.com
The book can be pre-ordered from Amazon.com