Egyptian president pardons Christian imprisoned for his faith


Patrick Zaki is an Egyptian graduate student. An outspoken believer and religious rights activist, he wrote an opinion piece

Patrick Zaki

in 2019 in which he described what it’s like to live in Egypt as a persecuted Christian.  

Sadly, the Egyptian government punished him severely for this outspoken act of bravery. 

In response to his article, Egypt’s National Security Agency arrested Zaki on February 7, 2020 on claims that he was inciting violence and spreading false information. He endured horrible treatment while in custody—being verbally abused, beaten and electrocuted.  

But thankfully, Zaki would not suffer in silence. 

Worldwide media, various governments and human rights nonprofits all advocated for his freedom; as such, Zaki was released temporarily while waiting for his trial.  

Just days ago, on July 18, 2023, Zaki was sentenced to 3 years in prison—a verdict which could not be appealed. International backlash ensued as Zaki’s advocates condemned the unjust outcome of the trial. Even the US State Department declared its concern over the verdict. 

Consider the commentary of some Christian rights activists: 

“ … There are those who give evidence every day that they love their country and work for its future, but there are those who believe that such people must remain silent and even isolate them between four walls so that they do not have any opportunity to speak …” 

“The three-year prison sentence … is the embodiment of the brutal repression suffered by many in Egypt, a scandalous example of the repression faced by those who defend justice and human rights and exposes the falsity of political openness and national dialogue …” 

As the story turned grim and it appeared Zaki would be returning to brutal conditions behind bars, there was an unexpected and sudden change in events: the Egyptian president Sisi pardoned Patrick with an immediate release! 

This is truly a testament to the Lord’s faithfulness and the power of prayer. Lamentations 3:22–23 says, “Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.”  

Join us in a shout of praise for Zaki, along with a prayer for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Egypt.

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your faithfulness in pardoning Patrick Zaki! We lift up to You the other minority Christians in Egypt who are suffering in silence because of their faith in Christ. We ask You would intervene in their cases just as You have for our brother Patrick.  

Let this case reveal the injustices that Christians face in Egypt and create change. Amplify the truth and destroy the lies. Lift their spirits and all of the persecuted church in Egypt. Bring an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit in this region that would bring all of the country to salvation. In Your name we pray, Amen. — Global Christian Relief

About The Author
Amanda is a staff writer for Global Christian Relief, a nonprofit Christian ministry whose mission it is to amplify the voices of Christian persecution and help vulnerable believers get back on their feet so they can spread the gospel and advance the Great Commission. You can learn more by visiting our website at