By Carol Round, Special to ASSIST News Service
GROVE, OK (ANS – April 16, 2018) — “I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken”— Psalm 16:8 (NIV).
Do you find it difficult sometimes to keep your eyes on Jesus? I know I do. When we find our lives spiraling out-of-control with unexpected illnesses, the death of a loved one, family dysfunction or worldwide uncertainty, it’s often easier to wring our hands in despair than to turn to the One who gave His life for us.
Jesus never promised us a life of luxury or one without pain and heartache. Look at His life, lived simply and ending in an agonizing death. But He did promise to be with us during our trials.
Recently, I was blessed to have lunch at an assisted living facility with a friend who will turn 90 later this year. As each of her table companions joined us to eat, Josie introduced me. I’m certain my friend is the oldest of the five women, but you wouldn’t have guessed it by her actions.
Before the others arrived and I could assist her, Josie had parked her walker and moved a chair from a nearby table and placed it next to hers—for me. When I realized her intent, I admonished her and said, “Josie, you should let me do that.”
Then, when the last of our tablemates joined us, Josie rose to help maneuver her friend’s walker and pull back her dining room chair so she could be seated. When she returned to her seat, I said, “Josie, you have a servant’s heart.” She just smiled.
However, I knew behind the smile was worry. When we finished our lunch, I helped Josie to get into my vehicle for a trip to one of her doctors. Noticing her nervousness, I asked if she were okay. She replied, “I don’t think I’m ever going to heal completely.”
After offering Josie words of assurance, I thought about the trials she has faced since an automobile accident last May killed her husband and left her hospitalized for seven months before she was released to assisted living. I know she’s a woman of faith, but like many of us, I suspect, we sometimes take our eyes off of Jesus.
In a Crosswalk.com article, writer Kelly Balarie offers five ways to help us keep our eyes on God:
1. Be present – If you look for God everywhere, you will find Him.
2. Delight in him – If you worship Him and commune with Him like a best friend, He will become your best friend.
3. Detangle with Him – Let the best counselor, the Holy Spirit, counsel your heart when it goes haywire (John 14:26). He will, you know, and you’ll find a way.
4. Observe God’s teachings intended for you – Consider the question, “What is the Lord trying to teach me through this?”
5. Say thanks – When you offer thanks, you began to realize who you really are—a loved child of God. He will always provide for you.
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