Food For The Poor Collects Canned Goods to Help Families in Haiti


COCONUT CREEK, FL (ANS) – A spike in COVID-19 cases coupled with gang violence and civil unrest has created a humanitarian crisis in Haiti, a nation with an already fragile economy.

A Food For The Poor team member sorts through items donated through a collection drive late last year.

About 4.4 million people out of a population of 11 million are estimated to be food insecure in Haiti, including 1.9 million children, with UNICEF warning that access to nutritious food will worsen if a storm strikes Haiti.

Many South Floridians and people across the United States want to do what they can to help.

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Coconut Creek, Florida-based Food For The Poor is collecting canned goods and other critically needed supplies to help families in Haiti facing dire hunger and increased levels of severe child malnutrition.

Local residents and community groups can support the drive by bringing in food bags that contain the following items with an expiration date of December 2021 or later. For canned goods, pull-top cans are encouraged.

1 can of evaporated milk

1 can of sweet corn

1 can of green beans

1 bag of yellow corn meal

1 bag of rice

1 can of Vienna sausages

1 can of sardines

1 jug of cooking oil

1 can of fruit (peaches/pears)

1 can of red kidney beans

1 pack of Ensure or PediaSure

The charity also is accepting baby items such as diapers, blankets and gently used clothes, feminine hygiene products, baby food and cereal with an expiration date of December 2021 or later, and liquid or bar soap.

Food For The Poor President/CEO Ed Raine said the items donated will go a long way to help alleviate suffering. “We’re going to do everything we can to help the people of Haiti,” he said.

Items can be delivered to the charity’s Coconut Creek warehouse at 6401 Lyons Road on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Items also can be purchased through FFTP’s AmazonSmile Charity List:

To make a cash donation, please go to