I Was in Prison and You Visited Me

Bibles in Prisons
Guards help push the sled to the prison with bibles and gifts for the prisoners.

Russian Federation – Mercy Projects partners with and supports several chaplains and pastors in Russia. They are national missionaries in different regions of the country who endure hardship to bring the gospel to orphanages, boarding schools, and prisons for men, women and youth. Here is one of two reports. (- Jeff Thompson, MP President/Founder) Read the full story from the Mercy Projects newsletter at MercyProjects.org.

Report from brother Igor:

Peace to you dear brothers and sisters,

I am sending you my end of year report, and by the grace of God, these days were full of trips to prisons. We visited 18 men’s prisons in the last two months and conducted 5 evangelistic services in the northern Perm territory and beyond. We have also established, together with our local church partners, several Rehab Houses. When men are released, they can come and live together and grow in their faith. Prison authorities have invited us to bring our “Life” course to men who are being released. We instruct and counsel them how to adapt to life after prison, including reconnecting with their families.

With the help of Mercy Projects and sponsors, we could also visit 8 women’s prisons, conduct bible studies, evangelism and distribute Christmas presents. This remote region is difficult. One must travel two days from Moscow by train. We used sleds to push bibles and Christmas gifts over the snow. We hold meetings in the prisons and it is voluntary to come. Some prisons give us a meeting room to use. We sing, show films, share our faith, and have conversations with the men and women.

Chaplain in Russian Prison
A chaplain leads a bible study in the prison.

It is so important that we develop relationships with local churches. This way we train them to visit the prisons and do the follow-up. Our House of Mercy is a rehab ministry for former prisoners and addicts. There are several houses throughout the Perm region. About 40% of the men end up successfully walking with Christ and overcoming their addictions. We are thankful for these results.

We know that Jesus has not forgotten the men and women in prison and we want to show them His love. Thank you for helping us and please keep praying. We have many plans to visit more prisoners this winter. Thank you!

“… and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the uttermost ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Read the full story from the Mercy Projects newsletter at MercyProjects.org.