Is misogyny and sexual abuse embedded within Islamic culture?

Mosab Hassan Yousef

By Michael Ashcraft –

Mosab Hassan Yousef was raped at age 6. He never told anyone because he grew up in a culture that “would kill the rapist but would also kill the rape victim,” he says on a Jordan Peterson video.

The culture he grew up in was intensely Islamic.

Was this merely a bizarre and isolated incident? If so, why did 320 Muslim immigrants in Cologne, Germany, perpetrate sexual assaults against girls at a train station on New Year’s Eve parties in 2015?

Why have grooming gangs in England been disproportionately populated with Pakistani immigrants? Why does Sweden see the need to run classes for immigrants teaching them to respect women? Why are rapes in Europe disproportionately perpetrated by Muslim immigrants?

A collection of photos of grooming gangs in the UK.

In Europe, these realities are hot button topics that have fueled far right cries to halt, or limit, immigration. But what if the sex problem is not an issue of immigration or ethnicity? What if the problem is something embedded within Islamic culture? Are there any ideas inherent to Islam that cause its most fervent followers to engage in such acts?

According to Mosab Yousef, the answer is yes.

“I witnessed so many women being killed after being raped that the father would prefer to kill his daughter to bury the shame with her (in order to) not have to face the society that his daughter was raped,” Mosab explains.

To this day, Mosab’s family has never asked who raped him. Instead, they tried to kill Mosab.

Mosab’s deep resentment fueled his apostasy and propelled him to betray his people, the Palestinians, and work as a spy for Israel to foil Hamas plots. When he worked with Israeli intelligence, he could have devised a manner of personal revenge.

“I had the power to kill the predator,” he says. “But I chose not to. Instead of going after the rapist, I went after the belief system.”

The kneejerk reaction is to dismiss Mosab entirely. But there are many others that you must silence – or ignore – at the same time. You must silence both critics and supporters of Islam.

Sammy Woodhouse has become an advocate for victims. Not only are wanting to be so public.

You must silence victims of the grooming gangs in England, who are speaking about the attacks.

“I was called a white slag, a white whore,” a Rotherham grooming gang survivor says on Triggernometry (her identity concealed). “Over and over again the references to my whiteness were always at the forefront of my perpetrator’s mind, and it was linked in with religion and his idea of what a good Muslim was and what a bad non-Muslim was… In the mind of these grooming gangs, if you’re not covered down to your ankles and down to your wrists, then you’re asking to be raped.”

You must silence Zakir Naik, whose 4.16 million subscribers on YouTube make him one of the biggest teachers of Islam on the planet. He is a proponent of Islam but concurs with what the Rotherham sex victim says.

Zakir Naik says rape victims are just as guilty as predators because they tempted them with the way they dress.

Regarding the Koran’s Surah 33:59 (full body coverings required for women), Naik says women are just as guilty as the rapist if they don’t fully cover themselves because they are tempting men.

“This is not injustice to the girl who was raped,” Naik says. “Allah has given guidelines to the woman that they should dress up modestly, they should cover their complete body except those parts that can be seen, that is the face and the hands.”

You must silence Muslim preacher Mohamed Hoblos. The Australian gave guidelines as to the seriousness of sin, stating that rape is not as bad as missing one of the five daily prayers.

Mohamed Hoblos: Missing one prayer is worse than rape.

“Any person who misses one Salah (prayer) for no reason, you are worse than a murderer, you are worse than a rapist, you are worse than a terrorist, you are worse than a pedophile in the eyes of Allah,” he said in 2018 on a YouTube video, as reported by the UK’s Daily Mail.

You must silence Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali-born Muslim who immigrated to the West and became a Christian. Islamic culture is misogynistic, she says, not only must they cover from head to toe, they must have a chaperone if they go out. In North Africa, Muslim women are are assumed they cannot be faithful to their husbands without female genital mutilation (FGM) as children, which is the cutting or removal of some or all of the vulva for non-medical reasons.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Hirsi Ali was the victim of FGM at age 5.

“When you talk to the Imams and you say men should be taught to control their sexual urges, the Imam will say actually it’s women who should stay out of sight, it’s women who should cover themselves up,” Hirsi Ali says on GBN news. “The expectation is in Islamic culture that men will behave like animals.”

Different expectations of men and women has led to the North African phenomenon of aharrush gamea, or rape game, in which men form three circles around a woman in public, the inner performing abuse, the second cheering them on, the third shielding the interference of outsiders, Hirsi Ali says.

Lara Logan, moments before she was raped by the mob in Cairo

Covering the Arab Spring in Egypt in 2011, CBS reporter Lara Logan, got thronged at Tahrir Square in Cairo and raped by a gang of 200+ men with “sticks, flag poles, hands — at a certain point I lost track” for about 20 minutes.

Ahurrush gamea is now in Europe. In Britain, it’s known as grooming gangs. Unfortunately, many European governments don’t track ethnicity (or immigrant) status for rape statistics, possibly because they don’t want to revive racist skinhead culture or Nazism.

Alex Philips, a reporter for the UK’s TalkTV, says she no longer feels safe walking home in the evening, reporting that she has been stalked.

“Certain white girls are seen as fair game,” she says. “These men are taught that (the girls) have no self-respect, they have no values – not like ‘our women.’ You can use them. Look at the way they behave: they’re drinking and smoking on the streets at the age of 14. Do what you want with them.”

Hirsi Ali’s team scoured available statistics and found that Muslims were over-represented among the criminals. In Denmark, Muslims account for 40% of criminals convicted of rape even though they represent only 13% of the population. In Germany, Muslim asylum seekers represented 2% of the population but 16% of sex crimes.

Why is this happening?

The Koran does not permit rape. It does, however, encourage polygamy. According to the Koran, Mohammad had 11 wives. One of his wives, Aisha, was nine when he consummated their marriage (although some Islamic scholars maintain she was older). Paradise is a place where men are rewarded with 72 virgins to have sex with for all of eternity.

On Earth, Muslim men are permitted four wives (fewer than Mohammad), but they may additionally take four captive wives as a result of conquest, according to the Koran.

So effective as a sniper, Nick Irving was nicknamed The Reaper

Nick Irving, a sniper who fought in Afghanistan, was nauseated to learn that his ally Afghan soldiers engaged in sexual acts with boys in the next-door barrack, and the U.S. military forbade Americans from stopping them. The Afghans explained to Irving: “Men are for pleasure, women for reproduction.”

The sexual exploitation perpetrated by Muslims is a subject that has recently exploded into international discussion – thanks to Elon Musk. The tech titan launched a campaign on X to demand a national inquiry into grooming gangs in the UK, a push that Prime Minister Keir Starmer and the ruling Labour Party has blocked.

Starmer vs. Musk. The Labour Party just blocked a national inquiry into the grooming gangs of UK.

Mosab Hassan Yousef says the issue is Islam’s honor/shame culture. Good Muslims live in honor; non-Muslims are shameful, thus free game, according to Mosab.

Because his family wasn’t strong enough to confront his rapist, his father would have killed Mosab, the victim, to avoid the shame, he says.

“It was a society that had no mercy, they preferred that I would disappear so that I would not bring shame on them,” Mosab says. “What kind of religion is this?”