Megachurch Opens Covid Care Centre in India


Hyderabad, India (ANS) – Since lockdown began last year Calvary Temple Church in Hyderabad, with more than 330,000 members, has distributed 700 tons of food supplies to families in desperate need.

Calvary Temple 300 bed Covid Care Centre.

Now as India is in the grip of a devastating second wave, their church building has been converted into a 300 bed Covid Care Centre.

“We admit anyone who knock on our door regardless of caste, creed, race and religion we admit them,” Calvary Temple Pastor Dr P. Satish Kumar told the Global News Alliance.

Dr P. Satish Kumar – Calvary Temple Pastor and Founder.

“And we try to provide needed treatment. The response has been tremendous. They believe they are in God’s presence, in God’s temple. Most of the people pray here and then seek God’s help and encourage each other.  And it has been a wonderful experience in showing the love of Christ to all these needy ones.”

Pastor Kumar says they plan to extend these Covid Care Centres to all their church locations.

“Calvary Temple has eight branch churches and we are opening all of them to provide the facility for covid patients.  And we’re trying our best to make sure that we provide treatment to all these needy ones.  God is love and God is expecting us to show His love in action. We don’t convert people but we direct people to the one who created them so that they will find a way and find peace and happiness.”

Watch this video report produced by our friends at the Global News Alliance

Megachurch Opens Covid Care Centre in India