Mountain Moving Prayer


Manchester, England (ANS) – In the midst of the challenges facing broken and divided communities around the world a new book written by Debra Green, OBE and Dave Roberts is inspiring countless Christians to overcome their mountains through prayer.

Mountain Moving Prayer book cover

Debra Green OBE, Founder and National Director of Redeeming Our Communities explains more about the importance of Mountain Moving Prayer:

“The toughest challenges can be tackled, defeated and shifted aside by faith-fuelled prayer. Relational struggles, financial strangleholds, emotional strife; whatever your mountain, through prayer God’s power can move it.

“The huge challenges casting shadows across our communities can also be addressed through prayer. God will move our personal mountains, but we mustn’t stop there. His goal is to transform the lives of those around us as well. God’s call to me from the very beginning was to focus prayer on the big, specific issues causing social fragmentation: lack of aspiration amongst young people, elderly isolation, family failures, distrust and separation between ethnic groups. These mountains need moving in most neighbourhoods.”

Debra has twenty-five years of experience in bringing organisations together towards the goal of social transformation, starting with her home city of Manchester. Since 2004, the work of Redeeming Our Communities has expanded and she has acted as a consultant to many other towns and cities with significant results. Such work has attracted interest from public services and local authorities who are impressed by the proven track record and results achieved. She speaks regularly across the UK.

And these are just some of the key UK Christian leaders who have been inspired by Mountain Moving Prayer:

‘I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to grow in prayer and to learn how to pray so that prayers are answered.’

– Dr Lucy Peppiatt, Principal, Westminster Theological Centre, UK

‘Written out of down-to-earth experience rather than ideas and theories. It acknowledges the link between passionate prayer and effective Kingdom advancement.’

– Andy Hawthorne, CEO The Message Trust

‘Full of inspiring stories and a clear challenge to believe once more in the power of prayer. A must read as we seek to see the UK transformed for Jesus.’

– Gavin Calver, Director of Mission, Evangelical Alliance

‘Here is great encouragement from someone who has prayed and seen mountains move.’

– Ian Cole, World Prayer Centre

‘This book is fantastic. If you’re serious about changing your world, or maybe just your street or workplace to begin with, this book will equip you. Get it for yourself, and buy more for your friends.’

– Bev Murrill, speaker, author, and founder of Christian Growth International

‘Debra’s ability to hear God and push through in prayer despite the hurdles is inspiring. Who knows what else the Lord has in store?’

– Canon Billy Kennedy, President, Churches Together in England

‘Underneath all the great things Debra has accomplished have been the hidden and humbling roots of prayer.’

– Yinka Oyekan, The Gate Church, Reading

To order a copy of Mountain Moving Prayer go to: and you will also receive a free study guide – (only available via this link).