Planned Parenthood Reports 332,757 Abortions Performed


Planned Parenthood not neededSpecial to ANS – Planned Parenthood recently released their annual report. To check our figures you can get it here. The American taxpayers, through our elected officials and the budget process, subsidized Planned Parenthood in 2018 with $563.8 million.  The US government provided 34% of their entire revenue. In addition, they reported an increase in overall funding (profits) of $244.8 million. Not bad for a government-supported 501c3 non-profit organization.

The Planned Parenthood website states; “Abortion is a safe and legal way to end a pregnancy. There are two kinds of abortion in the U.S. — in-clinic abortion and the abortion pill. Some Planned Parenthood health centers provide one or both kinds of abortion. Abortion is very common. 3 in 10 women in the U.S. will have an abortion by the time they’re 45 years old.”

Planned Parenthood and their 332,757 Abortions

The ACLJ reports it like this in a recent press release:

  • 332,757 abortions performed – up 11,000 from last year and the most abortions since 2012.
  • $563.8 million received in taxpayer dollars – up $20 million from last year.
  • $244.8 million in profits – up nearly 150% since last year.
  • 2,831 adoption referrals – down 27% since last year.
  • Cancer screenings, preventative care, and contraception services are all down.

So while so many of its supposed other “services” are down, Planned Parenthood’s abortions, taxpayer funding, and profits are going up.

What Can Citizens Do?

Our main recourse is to contact our local elected officials and express our opinion that the government should not be supporting (through the grant process) any organizations that provide abortions. Most Americans (99.1%) do not use Planned Parenthood services. Officials may state that government funding is not to be used for abortions, however, by virtue of that funding, this then allows PP to shift other funds to provide abortions. (It is called a legal shell game)

Would You Like More Information?

The fact as documented by Planned Parenthood is that their services reach fewer people every year. In fact, only 61% of their expenses went to medical purposes. This means that 39% of their expenses were used for administration, fund-raising, and other activities such as mobilizing anti-Trump activities.

Much useful information is provided by LiveAction ( started by @LileGraceRose. It is time to not only inform ourselves but to stand up for the unborn.