By Michael Ireland, Senior Reporter, ASSIST News Service answritermike@gmail.com
CULVER CITY, CA (ANS, MAY 18, 2015) – Producers of a new movie— a wide-release feature film in theaters on Friday, Jan. 22, 2016— believe the film’s unique approach of seeing Jesus’ resurrection from the viewpoint of a nonbeliever, in addition to the faithful scriptural treatment of the story, will attract wide audiences.
“RISEN is a gripping story of a top Roman official ordered to prove Jesus’ resurrection was a hoax by finding the body and crushing His few but passionate followers,” Rich Peluso, AFFIRM Films senior vice president, said.
“Christians know it was no hoax. But seeing a doubter, a skeptic, unravel the mystery of Jesus’ death and resurrection brings a new outsider’s perspective to the Gospel’s account of the most important event in human history.”
RISEN stars Joseph Fiennes (SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE), Tom Felton (HARRY POTTER), Peter Firth (PEARL HARBOR) and Cliff Curtis (LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD). The film was directed by Kevin Reynolds (ROBIN HOOD: PRINCE OF THIEVES) and is being edited by Steven Mirkovich (THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST).
RISEN is produced by Mickey Liddell, Patrick Aiello and Pete Shilaimon, and executive produced by Robert Huberman and Scott Holroyd. Screenplay by Kevin Reynolds and Paul Aiello. Story by Paul Aiello.
For interviews and press materials, contact: Michael Conrad Michael@Lovell-Fairchild.com 214-616-0320.
Photo captions: 1) Joseph Fiennes and Tom Felton try to solve the mystery of what happened to Jesus after his crucifixion in “RISEN.” (Photo: TriStar). 2) Michael Ireland.
About the writer: Michael Ireland is a Senior Correspondent for the ASSIST News Service, as well as a volunteer Internet Journalist and Ordained Minister who has served with ASSIST Ministries and ASSIST News Service since its beginning in 1989. He has reported for ANS from Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Israel, Jordan, China, and Russia. Click http://paper.li/Michael_ASSIST/1410485204 to see a daily digest of Michael’s stories for ANS.
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