Sharing the gospel on a cult-controlled island


On an isolated island in the Philippines where two cult groups control all levels of society, one missionary couple is sharing the light of Christ and drawing people out of the darkness.

After working for some time on the island, where the reach and influence of the cults continue to haunt locals, the couple recently shared some of their ministry needs with International Christian Concern (ICC).

The couple, whose names are being withheld for their protection, reported that many locals were putting their faith in Christ, including people who desperately wanted to leave their cult. Former cult members shared tragic stories of sexual abuse, manipulation, huge parts of their income going to the cult leaders, and numerous other abuses with the couple. Those who put their trust in Christ found new freedom in him.

The missionary couple told an ICC staffer that the biggest struggle in their ministry is not having proper transportation to visit different areas on the island to share the gospel and disciple new believers. They also discussed how they had started a new house church in their home and how leaders in the cults had started persecuting former members who had accepted Christ. These new believers needed Bibles to help them grow in their relationship with Jesus and to help them withstand future attacks.

Thanks to our generous supporters, ICC gave the couple 100 Bibles to distribute to the new believers and a new motorbike to help the couple reach more people on the island.

“This helps our daily ministry,” one of them said after receiving the ministry gifts. “We can easily go to do Bible studies in different (areas) and survey some of the remote areas that are prospects so that we can send a team (to minister there).”
The couple added that the motorbike was the greatest ministry gift they have ever received.

“We are also thankful to ICC,” one of them said. “Through your ministry, our prayer has been answered by God.”

The couple asked that Christians who hear their story would pray that more people on the island would put their trust in Jesus and that God would break the control that the cults have on the island. — International Christian Concern