Sponsorship Brings Hope to Needy Families

Family Sponsorship
Zach shares pictures from his boys with Kolya and his mother.

UKRAINE – Zach Bell, the mission team coordinator for Mercy Projects, together with fellow sponsor Tom Roth from Oregon, visited their respective sponsored families earlier this year in Ukraine.

Kolya, who has cerebral palsy, is in his late 20’s and can not walk, feed himself, or sit up on his own. His remarkable mother Tetyana receives a meager salary as his full-time caregiver. Kolya relies on his mother for everything.

Playground by the apartment.

Zach shares, “Something about their story made us want to not only help financially, but get to know this young man and his resilient mother. He was unable to go to school, so teachers would come to their home to tutor him. He excelled as a student and even graduated from high school. He is able to talk but speaks with difficulty.”

“My first visit with them was very challenging to be honest. After walking past the playground in their courtyard, I was saddened to think that Kolya grew up seeing this equipment but had never used it.”

Read the full story at MercyProjects.org.