Halifax, England (ANS) – A UK-based initiative which aims to encourage Christians to seek and pray for the peace and prosperity of places has had a relaunch to help the church newly engage in local communities.
the4Ps.org was an idea of Paul Blakey MBE, founder of Street Angels. He explains:
“On 1st August 2017 the Piece Hall in Halifax in the North of England was reopened after a £19million renovation.

“The place attracted 22,000 visitors on that day, cash machines ran out of money, every cafe and restaurant had long queues and the atmosphere in the town lifted.
“As I stood on the balcony in Piece Hall God reminded me to ‘pray for the peace and prosperity’.
“Later I looked this up and found the verse in Jeremiah 29:7, ‘Seek the peace and prosperity of the city… pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers you too will prosper'”
“A few days later the4Ps.org was launched as I had a renewed sense and passion that the church should be leading the way in seeing communities transformed, for believing for better, for praying and working towards the peace and prosperity of places.”
As the UK came out of lockdown a new Facebook group, the4PsCollaborative was set up as a way of connecting all those who share the visions and aims, which are:
To believe and work towards better within your places (community, village, town, city, borough, region, nation and world!)
To talk up places not talk down. Quit moaning! Celebrate the good and work and pray towards solving issues and problems!
To join the history of God at work through his people – the place you are has decades, hundreds and maybe thousands of years of history of God doing amazing stuff – this is your moment, this is your generation, this is the time to make your mark on the world!
To pray and work towards God’s Kingdom becoming a reality for all – what would our communities look like if crime was reduced, addictions were gone, homelessness was a memory, businesses were prospering, different communities got along…… Jesus taught us to pray ‘God’s Kingdom come, God’s will be done, on earth as in heaven’ – prayer and action go hand in hand!
To leave a legacy for future generations. We are building for the better of the future! How cool is that!!!!
the4Ps has also partnered with The Encouragers Network which has a vision to share faith filled encouraging messages with others.
The founder of The Encouragers Network, Tommy Stewart, comments:
“People in every walk of life need encouragement like never before.
“If we are to see our town and cities prosper we need to release a fresh wave of faith filled hope.
“We are delighted to partner with the 4P’s in establishing ‘encouragers networks’ in towns and cities across the UK with each encourager sending out an inspiring message of encouragement to someone in their community each day of the year.”