By V. Glen Megill, Special to ASSIST News Service
SILVERTON, OR (ANS – February 17, 2018) — Ray “Black Buffalo” Wilson, a Native American of the Cowlitz Tribe of Washington State, was graduated into Heaven on Wednesday, January 31, 2018, at the age of 88 years.
Black Buffalo was proud of his Native American Heritage and he spent his life “loving on” other Native Americans, and quite literally all people he met throughout the world. He lived his life telling of the special path that leads to the One True Father of All People who lives in Heaven. During his lifetime of ministry he traveled far and wide telling “the greatest story ever told” to all he met.
Black Buffalo’s love for people was infectious. He was a light in every gathering. Jesus was his passion and he spent his entire life sharing that passion with everyone he met. Throughout his life he faithfully marked the path to the Lord for all to follow.
Ray was born in 1929 and as a child during the depression with a father unable to find work, young Ray Wilson learned the value of hard work, perseverance and the importance of his faith in Jesus. He served in the US Marines, and after serving his country Ray married “Singing Waters” his beautiful wife, Priscilla, on April 15, 1950 in Compton, California.
Ray and Priscilla moved to Oregon where he worked at a sawmill; helped clear the land for the new Interstate 5 Highway; and assisted at a church his brother had planted. Ray soon entered the ministry full time as pastor of the Assembly of God Church in Grants Pass, Oregon.
As Ray’s vision began to grow, along with his love for his Native American people, he started traveling full time as Black Buffalo with his wife Singing Waters, and their four children ministering and sharing the love of Jesus. This began an amazing journey of Kid’s Crusades, Revivals and Worship Services on Reservations, Black Buffalo Trails with North American Indian Ministries, Black Buffalo’s Pow Wow, Four Square Indian Ministries, and so much more.
Black Buffalo was passionate about communication technology and for many years was very active in the Christian Media organization, National Religious Broadcasters (NRB). When Black Buffalo visited tribes without electricity he distributed free hand crank cassette players without batteries so the children could listen to Bible stories over and over.
Blessed with great communication skills, Black Buffalo had an audience wherever he went. To Black Buffalo, every person he met was very special, and after spending time with him, they realized they were special as well. His passion for people and to share Jesus led Black Buffalo to crisscross United States, Canada, and Mexico many times; to visit 66 countries; and write 21 books.
Upon his retirement from Black Buffalo Global Ministries, Black Buffalo’s son Ray Jr. “White Buffalo” took the helm and carried on with the same passion and energy as his father. Sadly, in 2015, White Buffalo suffered a massive, sudden, and debilitating stroke that effectively ended his ministry. Today, Black Buffalo Global Missions continues under the leadership of Black Buffalo’s daughter and son-in-law Rev. Gordon and Linda Warriner (http://blackbuffalo.org/).
Black Buffalo left an amazing legacy of love and passion for the Lord, and all people he touched. Upon his passing, tributes poured in from adults telling of his impact on them when they were but small children. This comment from Cindy Strange Goodwin, of Salina, Kansas is quite typical, “I loved you Black Buffalo ever since Camp Pomme de Terre when I was in elementary school. You are an inspiration. God must be so proud of you.”
Everywhere this Native American hero walked he loved people in the name of his Lord, and he carefully marked the trail to Heaven for them to follow.
Note from Dan Wooding: I well remember the time when I was helping out in the NRB media room in Washington, DC, when Morley Safer of 60 Minutes turned up with a camera crew and wanted to film a segment for the popular and often controversial show. I was delegated to take Mr. Safer around and give him some ideas of who he could interview on the exhibit floor. I immediately thought of Black Buffalo, a fixture at the yearly convention, and his interview turned out to be one of the best that was shown on the CBS show.
Photo captions: 1) Ray “Black Buffalo” Wilson with his lovely wife, Pricilla. 2) Rev. Gordon Warriner, and his wife, Linda. 3) Morley Safer who interviewed Black Buffalo for 60 Minutes on CBS TV. 4) V. Glen Megill.
About the writer: V. Glen Megill, is Founder and President of ROCK of Africa Mission (www.ROCKofAfrica.org), a Christian ministry to Zimbabwe, Zambia, and South Africa. He can be contacted at: vgmegill@gmail.com
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