Urim Books celebrates its 30th Anniversary


By Joseph Park

SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA (ANS) — Urim Books, a South Korea-based Christian publisher, is celebrating its 30th Anniversary.

Founded on April 11, 1989, Urim Books has published many titles like The Message of the Cross, Heaven, and Hell, which have been ranked bestseller in the religion division of Kyobo Bookstore, which is one of the biggest in South Korea, and these books have been ranked bestseller in India and Indonesia.

Staff celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Urim Books

Urim Books have published 112 books in total, all authored by Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee, that explain God’s love and the providence of salvation. And the books contain the messages that the author, Dr. Lee, says that he had received from God in the Spirit’s inspiration by myriad times of fasting and prayer.

Many of the books have been translated into 61 languages, and now there are 516 versions of the books in multiple languages. There are also 530 editions in 58 languages in total available in the electronic format.

They are distributed worldwide via Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble of North America; Kinokuniya of Asia; Adlibris of Europe; Exclusive Books of Africa; Souq.com of Middle East and Opentrolley.com of Asia, etc.

And their e-books are available in Kyobo Book Centre, Ridi Books, and Interpark, South Korea based e-book sellers, and are distributed world-wide on Kindle e-readers, iBooks, and Google Play Books, etc.

Elder Sungnam Bin, the CEO of Urim Books and a board member of the Korean Publishers Association, says, “Author Dr. Lee’s books allow readers to reflect upon the meaning of true love and adds to God’s grace to them.” and he went on to say, “Books are still the biggest tool for introducing people to Jesus. We are going to broaden our book ministries by harder prayers to win more souls in South Korea and around the world.”

Urim books has two affiliated publishers in the US and Colombia. Those are New York-based Urim Books USA, and Bogota-based Urim Books Colombia.

Joseph Park can be contacted at urimbook@hotmail.com