Should I Be Worried?


Take a LAP with Pastor Skip

There’s lots of talk of health during this COVID-19 crisis. We need to keep our bodies, minds, and souls healthy during this time. Cultivating a strong Christian life is akin to training the body for a run (see Hebrews 12:1-2). To help facilitate an exercise plan that is useful for building your spiritual life, we encourage you to follow these three simple steps, taking a LAP around Pastor Skip’s teaching:

Listen to the main points and thoughts shared by Pastor Skip in the teaching.  “Should I Be Worried” is found here.

Answer the questions based upon the message, helping you take the thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).  Questions are found below.

Pray. We’ve offered prayer points based on the above listening and answer sections.  Prayer points are below.

In this teaching, Pastor Skip answer the question “Should I be worried?”


Today, many live in fear and panic. Public anxiety is high, fueled by a sense of powerlessness. Christians shouldn’t be part of the panic but part of the prayer and praise. We should be vigilant, careful, and loving. Why? We have the power of God at our disposal.

The question is: Should we be worried? The word worry comes from the German word for “choke.” With worry, we choke the life out of our life.

Here’s three reason not to worry.


One, a Rule: The rule is we need to stop worrying! We don’t know our future, but we know the One who holds the future. We need to turn our worry into worship.


Two, a Reason: The Bible is reasonable. God gives us reasons why we shouldn’t do something. Here are three reasons not to worry:

  • Because of your Master: God is our master; we are His servants (see Matthew 6:24). Service is common and comforting. Our Master takes care of all our needs. There is nothing out of God’s control. The wind and waves obey him; so, do all events. All the Earth and all its events are in His hands, under His care.
  • Because of your Father: God has a personal relationship with His children. More than just our Creator, He is our Father (see v. 26). Through the high cost of Jesus’ blood, we have a relationship with the Father. Worry only advertises that we don’t trust Him.
  • Because of your future: Culture is obsessed with the future. But Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow. Worry doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it only empties today of its strength.


Three, a Recourse: What should be our response to these reasons? To seek first the kingdom of God (v. 33). Don’t worry; work. Don’t be slaves of fear; be servants of the Father. While you are quarantined, stay busy: pray, bless people, check in and connect with one another. We may have to implement social distancing, but we should avoid spiritual distancing. Bottom line: Convert your fears to faith, and redirect your energy heavenward, not earthward.



  • What are some of the things you worry about? Using Pastor Skip’s points, what steps above can you take to not worry?
  • What can you do to bless someone this week?
  • Knowing that God is our Master and Father and holds our future, what can you do this week to tell others about how to have a relationship with Him?


  • Pray for the president and government leaders for the wisdom to help our country through this crisis.

  • Pray for wisdom and strength for world leaders and help and peace for those affected by the Coronavirus (Covid-19).
  • Pray for our churches, pastors, and Christian leaders throughout the world, asking God to use them to help people redirect energy heavenward.